A typical home renovation involves some sort of demolition, alteration, or dust–generating activity. Most homes contain Designated Substances the government deems harmful once exposed. Lead, mold, mercury, asbestos, and silica are frequently aerosolized during renovations. Why take risks with family or subcontractors? Ensure health, safety and compliance with government regulations by having a pre-renovation consultation with our experienced CMHC recognized Healthy Home Builder and Healthy Home Renovator.
The homeowner or building manager is responsible for determining what hazardous substances are in their home or building prior to construction or renovation. The inspection is to determine risks of exposure to workers and family and to design mitigation strategies to reduce risks. This is important to not only protect your own health but to also safeguard yourself against any liability derived from working risk activity in your home. Start your renovation off on the right path to health and safety by having a renovation “risk assessment” and an air quality home inspection.
Get a 3rd party’s opinion and advice on your construction project from someone other than your subcontractor. As your trusted consultant, we can also independently manage your construction project. This would include:
- Visit your site, obtain samples as required
- Review your drawings
- Make recommendations on building codes, low-VOC products, dust-free renovations, and installs of any home improvements and mechanical systems
- Ensure your compliance with the Ministry of Health and Safety, Ministry of Labour and Ministry of the Environment.
This way you can be sure that any modifications to your home will only increase its value.
We specialize in managing construction projects with the following underlying issues:
- Asbestos, lead, Designated Substances
- Mold
- Flooding and bacteria
- Mechanical system upgrades
We specialize in working with the following building types:
- Condos
- Commercial Buildings
- Embassies
- Full Renovations
- Century Homes
Our inspector is recognized by the CMHC as a Healthy Home Builder and Renovator. Contact us to discuss your construction project.